A six week, self-led introduction to establishing a strong health web with the 6 threads of wellness.
Program Structure
Week 1
- I want to hear from you in order to build a program tailored to you. Overview of the program and what you will gain.
- Assignments: Food and emotion log, Activity log, self-care log (hobbies, meditation, time with family, time off screens)
- Building micro habits – *Spoiler your fist micro habit will be to complete the health logs.
Week 2
- Decision balance
- Breaking barriers
- Micro habit
Week 3
- How to build a satisfying meal
- Meal planner
- Grocery tips and designing your environment (we consider your current living dynamic)
- Eating out or on-the-go
- Micro habit
Week 4
- Reflect on last week’s meals; what worked or did not work
- Inner voices
- Micro habit
Week 5
- Establishing immediate satisfaction and reward
- Nutrient dense eating patterns and eating for your body and mind
- Lapse agreement with yourself
- Planning for lapse and getting back to it.
- Micro habit
Week 6
- Harnessing and accepting the evolution of your life
- Reflect on achievement and 5 currently established micro habits
- Next steps
- Final micro habit and habit tracker